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Interview questions on Kubernetes along with their answers

Multiple-choice questions on Kubernetes along with their answers:

 1.Question: What is Kubernetes?

A) Database management system

B) Container orchestration platform

C) Web server

D) Virtualization tool

Answer: B) Container orchestration platform

2. Question: What is the primary purpose of Kubernetes?

A) Network security

B) Load balancing

C) Container orchestration

D) Data storage

Answer: C) Container orchestration

3. Question: In Kubernetes, what is a Pod?

A) Single container

B) Network configuration

C) Cluster management

D) Persistent storage

Answer: A) Single container

4. Question: Which YAML file is used to define Kubernetes deployments?

A) kubeconfig.yaml

B) deployment.yaml

C) cluster.yaml

D) manifest.yaml

Answer: B) deployment.yaml

5. Question: What is the purpose of a Kubernetes Service?

A) Data backup

B) Load balancing and service discovery

C) Container deployment

D) Persistent storage

Answer: B) Load balancing and service discovery

6. Question: What is the role of the Kubernetes Master in a cluster?

A) Manages containerized applications

B) Runs user workloads

C) Controls and monitors the cluster

D) Provides storage for containers

Answer: C) Controls and monitors the cluster

7. Question: Which command is used to create a Kubernetes deployment from a YAML file?

A) kubectl deploy

B) kubectl apply

C) kubectl start

D) kubectl create

Answer: B) kubectl apply

8. Question: What is the purpose of the Kubernetes etcd?

A) Container registry

B) Distributed key-value store

C) Load balancer

D) Networking plugin

Answer: B) Distributed key-value store

9. Question: What is the main benefit of using Kubernetes for container orchestration?

A) Improved security

B) Simplified networking

C) Efficient resource utilization and scaling

D) Enhanced container isolation

Answer: C) Efficient resource utilization and scaling

10. Question: How does Kubernetes handle container failures within a Pod?

A) Automatic restart

B) Manual intervention required

C) Logs the failure and continues

D) Deletes the entire Pod

Answer: A) Automatic restart

Question 51) What is the primary purpose of Kubernetes?

A) Managing virtual machines

B) Running distributed applications

C) Monitoring network traffic

D) Creating mobile applications

Answer: B) Running distributed applications

Question 52) In Kubernetes, what is a Pod?

A) A unit of storage

B) A group of containers

C) A virtual machine instance

D) A network protocol

Answer: B) A group of containers

Question 52) What is the Kubernetes component responsible for container scheduling?

A) kube-scheduler

B) kube-apiserver

C) kube-controller-manager

D) kubelet

Answer: A) kube-scheduler

Question 53) Which Kubernetes object defines how containers should run in a Pod?

A) Deployment

B) Service

C) Namespace

D) DaemonSet

Answer: A) Deployment

Question 54) What is the primary function of a Kubernetes Service?

A) Load balancing and service discovery

B) Container storage management

C) Container orchestration

D) Container security

Answer: A) Load balancing and service discovery

Question 55): What Kubernetes resource allows you to automatically scale the number of Pods based on CPU or memory usage?

A) Deployment

B) StatefulSet

C) HorizontalPodAutoscaler

D) Job

Answer: C) HorizontalPodAutoscaler

Question 56): How does Kubernetes manage persistent storage for containers?

A) Using local storage on each node

B) Through Kubernetes PersistentVolumes

C) By storing data within container images

D) By attaching external hard drives to each container

Answer: B) Through Kubernetes PersistentVolumes

Question 57): Which Kubernetes component is responsible for container health monitoring and restarting?

A) kube-scheduler

B) kube-proxy

C) kubelet

D) kube-controller-manager

Answer: C) kubelet

Question 57: What is Kubernetes?

A) A programming language

B) An open-source container orchestration platform

C) A cloud service provider

D) A database management system

Answer: B) An open-source container orchestration platform

Question 58:What is the primary purpose of Kubernetes?

A) Managing virtual machines

B) Running distributed applications

C) Monitoring network traffic

D) Creating mobile applications

Answer: B) Running distributed applications

Question 59:In Kubernetes, what is a Pod?

A) A unit of storage

B) A group of containers

C) A virtual machine instance

D) A network protocol

Answer: B) A group of containers

Question 60:What is the Kubernetes component responsible for container scheduling?

A) kube-scheduler

B) kube-apiserver

C) kube-controller-manager

D) kubelet

Answer: A) kube-scheduler

Question 61: Which Kubernetes object defines how containers should run in a Pod?

A) Deployment

B) Service

C) Namespace

D) DaemonSet

Answer: A) Deployment

Question 62: What Kubernetes resource allows you to automatically scale the number of Pods based on CPU or memory usage?

A) Deployment

B) StatefulSet

C) HorizontalPodAutoscaler

D) Job

Answer: C) HorizontalPodAutoscaler

Question 63: Which Kubernetes component is responsible for container health monitoring and restarting?

A) kube-scheduler

B) kube-proxy

C) kubelet

D) kube-controller-manager

Answer: C) kubelet

Question 64: What Kubernetes feature allows you to roll back to a previous version of a Deployment?

A) kubectl undo

B) kubectl rollback

C) kubectl revert

D) kubectl history

Answer: B) kubectl rollback

Question 65: Which Kubernetes object allows you to group resources and control access to those resources?

A) ClusterRole

B) RoleBinding

C) ServiceAccount

D) PodSecurityPolicy

Answer: A) ClusterRole

Question 66: What Kubernetes resource allows you to control the amount of CPU and memory resources a container can use?

A) LimitRange

B) ResourceQuota

C) HorizontalPodAutoscaler

D) PodSecurityPolicy

Answer: B) ResourceQuota

Question 67: Which Kubernetes component handles DNS resolution within a cluster?

A) kube-scheduler

B) kube-proxy

C) kubelet

D) kube-dns

Answer: D) kube-dns

Question 68:What Kubernetes object allows you to store sensitive information such as passwords and API keys?

A) Secret

B) ConfigMap

C) PersistentVolume

D) PersistentVolumeClaim

Answer: A) Secret

Question 69: What Kubernetes feature allows you to update a running application with zero downtime?

A) RollingUpdate strategy

B) Recreate strategy

C) Blue/Green deployment

D) Canary deployment

Answer: A) RollingUpdate strategy

Question 70: Which command can you use to create a Kubernetes Pod from a YAML file?

A) kubectl create pod

B) kubectl apply -f

C) kubectl run pod

D) kubectl generate pod

Answer: B) kubectl apply -f

Question 71: What Kubernetes resource allows you to control which nodes Pods are scheduled on?

A) PodAffinity

B) PodAntiAffinity

C) NodeSelector

D) Taints and tolerations

Answer: C) NodeSelector

Question 72: What Kubernetes feature allows you to expose a set of Pods to the internet?

A) Service

B) Ingress

C) Endpoint

D) PodDisruptionBudget

Answer: B) Ingress

Question 73: Which Kubernetes component is responsible for authenticating and authorizing API requests?

A) kube-apiserver

B) kube-scheduler

C) kube-controller-manager

D) kubelet

Answer: A) kube-apiserver

Question 74: What Kubernetes resource allows you to control which Pods are allowed to communicate with each other?

A) NetworkPolicy

B) PodSecurityPolicy

C) Service

D) Ingress

Answer: A) NetworkPolicy

Question 75:hat is the purpose of a Kubernetes Ingress?

A) To manage access to a cluster from external networks

B) To control which Pods are allowed to communicate with each other

C) To provide access to logs generated by Pods

D) To monitor and manage network traffic within the cluster

Answer: A) To manage access to a cluster from external networks

Question 76ich Kubernetes resource allows you to group Pods and apply certain operations to them collectively?

A) Deployment

B) ReplicaSet

C) Job

D) StatefulSet

Answer: B) ReplicaSet

Question 77How does Kubernetes ensure high availability of applications?

A) By automatically restarting failed Pods

B) By replicating Pods across multiple nodes

C) By using load balancers to distribute traffic

D) All of the above

Answer: D) All of the above

Question 78: at Kubernetes feature allows you to configure how much CPU and memory each container can use?

A) ResourceQuota

B) PodSecurityPolicy

C) LimitRange

D) HorizontalPodAutoscaler

Answer: C) LimitRange

Question 79 hich Kubernetes object is used to store configuration data in key-value pairs?

A) Secret

B) ConfigMap

C) PersistentVolume

D) PersistentVolumeClaim

Answer: B) ConfigMap

Question 80: What is the purpose of a Kubernetes Job?

A) To ensure that a specified number of Pods are running at all times

B) To run a single instance of a Pod on every node in the cluster

C) To run a task to completion and then exit

D) To manage a group of related Pods as a single unit

Answer: C) To run a task to completion and then exit

Question 81: ow does Kubernetes manage container images?

A) By storing images within the Kubernetes API server

B) By pulling images from a centralized image registry

C) By embedding images directly within Kubernetes manifests

D) By storing images on each node's local filesystem

Answer: B) By pulling images from a centralized image registry

Question 82: What Kubernetes feature allows you to update the configuration of a running application without restarting it?

A) RollingUpdate

B) Recreate

C) Blue/Green deployment

D) Canary deployment

Answer: A) RollingUpdate

Question 83: hat Kubernetes component is responsible for maintaining the desired state of the cluster's resources?

A) kube-scheduler

B) kube-proxy

C) kube-controller-manager

D) kubelet

Answer: C) kube-controller-manager

Question 84: ow does Kubernetes handle container security?

A) By isolating containers using virtualization

B) By automatically applying security patches to containers

C) By running containers with restricted privileges

D) By encrypting data stored within containers

Answer: C) By running containers with restricted privileges

Question 85: Which Kubernetes resource allows you to specify which Pods should be terminated first during resource contention?

A) PodAffinity

B) PodAntiAffinity

C) NodeSelector

D) PriorityClass

Answer: D) PriorityClass

Question 86: What Kubernetes object allows you to group related Pods and manage their lifecycle as a single unit?

A) Deployment

B) ReplicaSet

C) StatefulSet

D) DaemonSet

Answer: A) Deployment

Question 87: How does Kubernetes handle container networking between Pods in the same node?

A) By using host networking

B) By using overlay networks

C) By using container-to-container communication

D) By using port forwarding

Answer: C) By using container-to-container communication

Question 88: What Kubernetes resource allows you to define how a container should be started, stopped, and monitored?

A) ConfigMap

B) Service

C) Deployment

D) PodSecurityPolicy

Answer: C) Deployment

Question 89: What Kubernetes feature allows you to limit the rate of traffic to a service?

A) NetworkPolicy

B) Ingress

C) Service

D) PodDisruptionBudget

Answer: C) Service

Question 90:Which Kubernetes component is responsible for managing networking rules on each node?

A) kube-scheduler

B) kube-proxy

C) kubelet

D) kube-controller-manager

Answer: B) kube-proxy

Question 91:What Kubernetes object allows you to manage a group of related Pods that have a similar lifecycle?

A) Deployment

B) StatefulSet

C) Job

D) CronJob

Answer: B) StatefulSet

Question 91: How does Kubernetes handle container resource allocation?

A) By allocating resources based on container requests

B) By evenly distributing resources among all containers

C) By allowing containers to request resources dynamically

D) By restricting resource usage for certain containers

Answer: A) By allocating resources based on container requests

Question 92: What Kubernetes feature allows you to run a specific task at a specified time?

A) Job

B) StatefulSet

C) CronJob

D) Deployment

Answer: C) CronJob

Question 93: Which Kubernetes object is used to manage external access to services in a cluster?

A) Service

B) Ingress

C) Endpoint

D) PodDisruptionBudget

Answer: B) Ingress

Question 94: What is the purpose of a Kubernetes Volume?

A) To provide persistent storage for containers

B) To store container logs

C) To manage container networking

D) To monitor container health

Answer: A) To provide persistent storage for containers

Question 95: What Kubernetes resource allows you to store and manage secrets such as passwords, OAuth tokens, and SSH keys?

A) ConfigMap

B) Secret

C) Service

D) PersistentVolume

Answer: B) Secret

Question 95: How does Kubernetes handle container networking across multiple nodes in a cluster?

A) By using host networking

B) By creating a virtual overlay network

C) By configuring each container with a unique IP address

D) By exposing container ports to the host machine

Answer: B) By creating a virtual overlay network

Question 96: What Kubernetes feature allows you to perform a gradual rollout of a new version of an application?

A) RollingUpdate

B) Recreate

C) Blue/Green deployment

D) Canary deployment

Answer: D) Canary deployment

Question 97: What Kubernetes feature allows you to restrict access to resources based on IP addresses or other attributes?

A) NetworkPolicy

B) PodSecurityPolicy

C) RoleBinding

D) ServiceAccount

Answer: A) NetworkPolicy

Question 98: What Kubernetes resource allows you to manage a group of related Pods that need to be run on specific nodes?

A) Deployment

B) ReplicaSet

C) DaemonSet

D) StatefulSet

Answer: C) DaemonSet

Question 98: What Kubernetes feature allows you to update a running application with zero downtime?

A) RollingUpdate strategy

B) Recreate strategy

C) Blue/Green deployment

D) Canary deployment

Answer: A) RollingUpdate strategy

Question 99: What is the Kubernetes component responsible for container scheduling?

A) kube-scheduler

B) kube-apiserver

C) kube-controller-manager

D) kubelet

Answer: A) kube-scheduler

Interview questions on Kubernetes along with their answers

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